The clever manipulation of the natural human tendency to trust
Social Engineering
Scammers know how to prey on this _________ to get victims to take action
Cash withdrawals, wire transfers (often International) are examples of what type of red flag?
Unusual transaction activity
A form of Social Engineering and a scam where attackers deceive people into revealing sensitive information or installing malware on devices
This emotion is often used to entice someone to take action and threatens harsh action like something bad will happen if you don't pay immediately or the police are on their way if you don't pay immediately
The definition of this word is deliberate deception, trickery or cheating intended to gain an advantage
Type of cyberattack where scammers use phone calls to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as personal details, bank account numbers, or passwords. During a vishing call, the scammer may impersonate a legitimate organization to gain the victim's trust
This emotion is often exploited, especially with older adults. We are typically told the person is so nice, I've known them for several months, they call me every day or they might be referred to as a "friend" or "significant other"
Proposed regulation rooted in confidences in the integrity of the nation's banking system. The point is to affirm the confidence of customers and deter illegal activities
Know Your Customer
Type of social engineering attack that relies on exploiting human trust rather than technical exploits. It is the SMS version of phishing scams, where you get a scammy text message on your smartphone.
This type of emotion or sense of security is often exploited when someone is told: "They are sending me money to help me out", "I am going to make lots of money with this deal" or "I've never made that much money"
Financial Security
All these actions/behaviors could be considered ________. Address on ID is different than what is stated for account; Opening deposit is a small cash deposit; primary identification was issued in the last 60 days; US Mail drop address instead of a physical location; overly friendly
Red Flags