it's his birthday!
cones, cubes, see-saw
Charged Up (2023)
2025 game leak
Water Gameee
most blue banners, cheeeeeeese
Cheezy Poofs 254
Name 3 songs played at comps
Sweet Caroline, Cupid Shuffle, YMCA, etc
fancy wood dude that held open container doors
frisbees, pyramids (similar to this year)
Ultimate Ascent (2013)
yellow button on amp
Co-opertition Button
has a crew of 8 members that help teams at comps, <3
Citrus Circuits 1678
coolest California MC (red hair!)
Nick Hammes
totes, bins, pool noodles
Recycle Rush (2015)
new motorsssss
Israel team, won their district 3 years in a row, short foldy bot this year
Orbit 1690
famous bot in frc animations
finish the lyrics...
Dear people of the universe
Bluebells are purple
Greenland's not green
My pinky's not pink
So what does it mean?
Roses are red
But my name's not Dave (Are you drunk?)
I'm not drunk!
smooth ground, moon rocks, weird wheels
Lunacy (2009)
rp for 18 or 15 notes scored in match
hosts workshops every year, funny twisty arm last year
Spartan Robotics 971
robot not working? it's a _____ issue!
It’s not even Week 6, I got...
mobile CNC~
triangles/"tetras", tic tac toe, rows
Triple Play (2005)
how far do you have to be from a robot to count as "not pinning" after you pin them (think COVID)
won Carver 2022, Woodie Flower finalist this weekend, local team :)
Quixilver 604
what kind of drivetrain is this...
3 omni wheels, 3 gearboxes, triangular, old
Kiwi Drive