Who was Max's Grandfather?
A mechanical bird
What is an orinthopter?
Max's dad's full name.
What is Kenneth David Kane?
He said, "Identify yourself earthling!"
Who is Kevin?
Grim's liquid reward for Max
What is coffee?
Robot Man
Who was Kevin?
The science of designing mechanical replacement body parts.
What is bionics?
Max's dad's old friend
Who is Iggy Lee?
"_______ are like truth serum."
What are books?
Max's Christmas breakfast
What is pizza?
Freak the Mighty
Who was Kevin & Max?
A universal symbol or idea in the psyche.
What is an archetype?
The school principal
Who is Mrs. Odessa?
"_________ is like blood without the red."
What is saliva?
Kevin's favorite TV show
What is Star Trek?
Who was Max?
Loyalty with an "f"
What is fealty?
The new teacher
Who is Mrs. Donelli?
"___________, the opiate of the masses."
What is television?
Lorretta & Iggy live here
What are the New Tenements?
Who was Tony D?
A nickname
What is a sobriquet?
Max's mom
Who is Annie?
What are "no big deal?"
Gwen's new boyfriend
Who is Rich?