This is Sara's Favorite color
What is yellow
This was Sara's first hobby
What is painting
This is her least favorite food
This is what she wants to be when she is older
What is a doctor?
The scar on Sara's cheek came from this
Her cat Tity
This was the first pet she ever owned
Ruff French poodle
Least favorite class
AP World History
Save people's lives as a doctor.
This artist makes her favorite music
Who is Kanye west (But he made graduation tho)
This is her favorite article of clothing
What are shoes
This is her favorite memory
What is being on her grandpa's ranch around a bonfire.
Least Favorite sport
What is Golf
This is the number of how many kids she wants when she is an adult
What is 2
This is where she volunteers twice a month
What is spring mountain ranch
This is her favorite Hobby
What is Junk Journaling
This is the school she first went to
John C Bass
This was her least favorite grade
What is 7th Grade
This is something she can't wait to do in retirement
What is Travelling
This is how her cat Tity got her name
What is, Sara's baby sister could not pronounce kitty
This is her favorite Hamiliton Song
What is Satisfied
This was the hospital she was born in.
What is St. Rose Hospital
This is her biggest pet peeve
When people interrupt.
This is the place she wants to live as an adult
What is Belgium
This major physical appearance occurred during Sara Franco's emo phase
What is Split Dyed hair.