In a pivotal scene, Douglass stands up to this respected religious man and slave breaker.
Mr. Covey
Douglass is enslaved in Talbot County in this state...
A warrant was issued for her arrest after the murder of a young enslaved girl, but it was never served.
Mrs. Hicks
This word means "the practice of claiming to have moral standards of beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform."
This author of the Declaration of Independence penned the famous phrase, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..."
Thomas Jefferson
One of Douglass's owners in Baltimore, corrupted by owning a human being for the first time.
Mrs. Sophia Auld
Douglass's arrival at this city fills him with hope, and will eventually be the place from which he escapes.
Baltimore, Maryland
The one thing Douglass knows about his father.
He was a white man, rumored to be his master.
This term was used to describe a person who advocated for the end of slavery.
This Patuxet man is remembered as the first liaison between the "Pilgrims" and the indigenous Wampanoag.
Squanto, or Tisquantum
DAILY DOUBLE: This man murders a slave named Demby in cold blood and faces no consequences for his actions.
Mr. Gore
Douglass hides here from Mr. Covey and what he fears will be a fatal beating.
A cornfield
Enslaved people on the plantation where Douglass lives as a child are given a monthly allowance of which two food items.
One pound of pork or fish and one bushel of cornmeal
DAILY DOUBLE: This word, found in the title of a famous proclamation, means "the fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions."
This social media platform is the most popular, with 3.07 billion users in 2024. Hint: It isn't TikTok, that's in 5th place, with 1.69 billion users.
According to Douglass, the whipping of this woman served as his introduction to the horrors of slavery.
Douglass's Aunt Hester
These are described as having the "appearance of some of our large city livery establishments" and contrasts with deplorable conditions of enslaved people.
Colonel Lloyd's stables
Illiteracy, not allowing reading, etc.
In the 19th century, this word meant to reduce to the level of a beast or animal.
This woman, elected in 2022, is the current governor of Massachusetts.
Maura Healey
Douglass says the treatment of this woman "served to deepen my conviction of the infernal character of slavery" more than anything else.
Douglass's grandmother
These were said to be better fed and as enjoying more privileges than their plantation counterparts.
Enslaved people in the city
Name any of of the two texts Douglass describes a having an significant impact on him.
The dialogue between a slave and his master & the anti-slavery speeches of Sheridan
If you give an enslaved person freedom, he will take advantage of you.
Donald Trump's re-election makes him the second president to be elected to non-consecutive terms. This man did it first.
Grover Cleveland