What word means to resist bodly or refuse to obey?
A story that tells facts about the life of a real person.
What is the definition of Authors Point of View?
The attitude that the author has towards a person or subject he or she is writing about.
Which word describes how Fredrick Douglass waited for a set time to complete his book.
What is one way to know something is a biography?
It talks about a person's talents and achievements.
What is the author's point of view for Douglass as a slave?
His life was difficult when he was young.
What are evidences that also help to describe a biography?
Photographs and captions
What is the authors point of view for Douglass as an abolitionist?
He wanted to end slavery.
He was asked to speak at the large gathering.
Fredrick and his wife and they lived in Rochester, New York.
He gave passionate speeches.
How did Douglass feel before he gave his speech?
He was nervous standing infront of alot of people.
A biography is always written in
Logical order
What is the authors point of view for Douglass as a writer?
He became even more famous because of his writing.
Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave