Key Points
Why doesn't Covey take Douglass to the public whipping post after Douglass' blatant insubordination and act of violence against a white man?

"It was for a long time a matter of surprise to me why Mr. Covey did not immediately have me taken to the constable of the whipping post and there regularly whipped for the crime of raising a hand against a white man in defence of myself."

"That reputation (of a negro-breaker and first-rate overseer) was at stake; and had he sent me- a boy about sixteen years old= to the public whipping post, his reputation would have been lost; so, to save his reputation, he suffered me to go unpunished."
Douglass thinks "thousands (more) would escape from slavery, who now remain" but for THIS reason

"...but for he strong cords of affection that bind them to their friends. The thought of leaving my friends was decidedly the most painful thought with which I had to contend. The love of them was my tender point, and shook my decision (to run away) more than all things else."

"The thought of being separated from them forever was painful beyond expression"


What does Douglass say, "became my meat and drink," set his "soul all on fire," and "set a thrill of joy through (his) soul, such as (he) had never felt before!" ?

Reading 'Liberator'


Who relieved Douglass from the "distressed situation" he found himself in when he first began to live in freedom, but as a fugitive slave? (One of "loneliness," mistrust of all fellow men, constant fear of "the terrible liability of being seized upon by his fellow-men, as the hideous crocodile seizes upon his prey!", "helpless both as to the means of defence and means of escape" "suffering terrible gnawings of hunger" "having no home" "without home or friends- without money or credit" "wanting shelter, and no one to give it- wanting bread and no money to buy it"

Mr. David Ruggles

"...whose vigilance, kindness, and perseverance I shall never forget." (p.64)


"In coming to a fixed determination to run away..." WHO does Douglass say his escape party and himself did MORE than?

Patrick Henry, when he resolved upon liberty or death

"For my part, I should prefer death to hopeless bondage."
