Why did Raitta joined the Resistance
A weird tall guy just offered her some cool sunglasses
Favorite Darkin
Name one Atheist Region
e adevarat ca Tsunade din Naruto ar putea crapa un munte cu sanii ei?
Abilitatea ei e superforta, ce se aplica pana si pe parul din cap
Playerii au plot armor?
Pot murii in lupte dar nu mor permanent in poveste
What are Elementals?
Entities born from their element, keeping the element alive
Favorite Ascended (Lore Wise)
Who powers Garen's R?
Care Sub Zero e Bi-Han? 1 sau 2?
Dc Universul nu s-a distrus singur dupa moartea bebelusui ce tinea host-ul?
Fiindca exista un altul
Where do dark energy comes from?
Anything around Akron gets infused with his "electricity"
Favorite Aspect (Lore Wise)
Who blinded Lisandra?
Elsword: Name one Anti-Hero/Villain-To-Hero character
The Multiverse is confirmed, Will our heros be in all existing universes to stop their threat?
Perhaps yes, if the game is fun enough
How does Madeline and Mihaelle got their powers? (speed and wind)
From the Wind Elemental
Favorite Entity powered by After-life
Morde and Thresh
When Aatrox was an Ascended, he was the representation of...
Madness Combat: Dc Exista 2 de Hank in after-life?
Hank a fost ucis o data de Tricky, dar fortat sa se intoarca la viata tot de catre acesta, intr-un fel clonandu-l
ce este zarul 1-4 lore wise?
O Entitate cosmica ce are ca scop sa mentina o balanta, oprind entitatile sa devina prea puternica sau sa fie mai useless decat o culoare rosie pt un discord user onfesabil
What Made Akron go insane in the first place?
He was entrapted into the Blade of The Universe for centuries or even more
Favorite MK character
Why Pyke got back to life?
The Gaint Deep Ocean Monster, avea abilitati de a se intoarce la viata, in schimb, Pyke le-a preluat cumva
TF2: Ce este Spy pt Scout?
Cea mai puternica entitate descoperita pana acum?
Dar daca ai zis Darkinified Aurelion Doom primesti 200