What is Average?
Survey Says...(1)
True or False
Survey Says...(2)
Free College Experience

The average college graduate has $_____ in debt. (nearest $10,000)

The average college graduate has $30,000 in debt (Deseret.com).


(According to survey responses of high school students) This is the best way to get a high paying job.

College education


Many adults who have gone to college encourage students to go to college.

True. Even though there are other very good alternatives, students are often encouraged to go to college even when it may not be the right fit for them. (ReasonTV, Youtube.com)


90% of students thought that a college education _____ (is/isn't) too expensive

90% of students thought that a college education is too expensive


In Germany, there was a free college system that caused the cost of college to ______ (increase/decrease) by 37%.

Germany's free college system increased the cost of college by 37% and spread the cost among all citizens. (Heritage.org)


At the average four-year public college, 22.2% of students who had taken out loans were unable to begin paying down their loans _____ years after leaving school.

3 years after leaving school, almost 1/4 of graduates had not begin to pay their student loans off (Thirdway.org).


4 out of 10 students in the survey said this was how much they would make in a "High Paying" job. (to the nearest $10,000)



60% of all Americans go to college, but only 50% of all Americans graduate from college.

False. 60% of all Americans go to college, and less 50% of those who go will graduate. This means that 30% of Americans graduate from college.


100% of students thought college would cost at least $______ for four years. (to the nearest $10,000)

100% of students thought college would cost at least $50,000 for four years.


In what year did England get rid of its free college system?

In 1998, England introduced tuition and other fees for its college students.


At the average 4 year university, ___ out of 10 students are unable to make more than someone with a high school diploma.

4 out of 10 do not make any more than those with a high school diploma (Thirdway.org).


70% of students said that college ______ (does/doesn't) prepare students for the workplace

70% of students said that college does prepare students for the workplace


Free college makes it easier for lower income students to get education, because cost is not an issue

False, many European countries who have had a free college system have shown that low income students have extremely decreased access to education.


6 out of 10 students thought that college could become less expensive if we did this.

6 out of 10 students thought that college would be less expensive if we cut unnecessary funding. 


After experiencing a failing system, Germany attempted to transition back to charging students tuition. Many disliked this though because they didn't want to pay for themselves, so it only lasted for ____ years.

Charging students for their education lasted for 6 years due to people not wanting to pay for their education (Heritage.org)


The average college has a graduation rate of about ___% (nearest 5%)

about 45% of students graduate at the average 4 year university.


This many students have parents who want them to go to college. (number out of 10)

10 out of 10 students have parents who want them to go to college


A free college system would change the value of earning a degree.

True. Free college devalues degrees because of the limitations it puts on quality of the education.


Only 3 out of 10 students were right when saying that ____% of Americans use their degree in their current career. (nearest 10%)

Only 40% of Americans use their college degrees in their current careers.


In Germany, the funding for each student has decreased by 10% while the cost of education has gone up by ____%. (nearest 5%)

The cost of college had gone up about 35% while the amount received went down by 10%. (Heritage.org)


Higher cost for college has shown to give the average graduate $_____ (nearest $10,000) more in pay and ____% (nearest 10%) more chance of being hired. (TWO PART ANSWER)

Students paying more for college get $0 more and have a 0% higher chance of being hired. The higher cost of education has virtually no difference. (Thirdway.org)


This percentage of students DO NOT KNOW what they want to do after high school. (nearest 5%)

45% of students did not know what they wanted to do after high school


The cost of college has increased 2,700% since 1970.

False. The cost of college has increased over 3,000% since 1970. (statista.com)


2/3 of students said that they would rather have a _____ (fulfilling/good paying) job.

2/3 of students said that they would rather have a fulfilling job.


In what country has there been a 'hybrid' college experience where students pay less and only need education for two years to earn their degree while learning on the job?

In Switzerland, college is funded 60% privately and only takes two years to complete. Companies, seeing the benefits of the system, invest in students because of the large return they get when they hire them. This is called the apprenticeship model. (Heritage.org)
