What is the "homework gap"?
A disparity in at-home broadband that hinders millions of students access to the array of online learning, collaboration, and research tools enjoyed by their better-connected peers.
What are the three pillars of Free Geek's mission?
Free Geek's mission is to sustainably reuse technology, enable digital access, and provide education to create a community that empowers people to realize their potential.
What is the "digital divide"?
The gulf between those who have ready access to computers and the Internet, and those who do not.
What government agency controls the Internet?
The FCC, Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
What percent of all active job openings were posted only online pre-COVID-19?
What percentage of families said their students would have to do their schoolwork on their phones when school closures began due to COVID-19?
How long has Free Geek been around?
20 years
What percentage of Americans shop online at least once per month?
What fraction of Americans are without internet?
What percentage of the American workforce works on a digital device, as a remote worker?
What percentage of Black teens said they often cannot do their homework assignments due to lack of reliable access to a computer or internet?
How many devices has Free Geek given back to the community?
What percentage of adults bank online?
What state has the lowest internet access rate?
Mississippi, 76.4%
What percentage of middle-skill positions (positions that require more than a HS diploma but less than a 4 year degree) require digital skills?
How many students in Oregon don't have a personal computer?
What show that ran from 2011-2018 was Free Geek mentioned in?
How many hours does the average American use online every week?
What percentage of non-English speakers in America have broadband internet in their homes?
What percentage of Americans have low levels to no digital readiness/skill?
What percentage of households with schoolchildren ages 6 to 17 lack broadband access?
What are the three ways you can support Free Geek during COVID-19?
1. Donate money
2. Donate tech
3. Spread the word
What percentage of people who live more than a 70-minute drive from a primary care physician DON'T have the internet bandwidth for a telehealth visit?
What percentage of Black Americans own a desktop or laptop computer?