Wicki's first show at Freedom
Much Ado about Nothing
retaining shining (4 words)
Singing in the Rain
March 17th
Addams humming merriest (4 words)
A Midsummer Night's dream
The name of the theater ghost
The Social Chair's dream role
Sweeney Todd or The Baker
The number of times Wicki has done Beauty and the Beast
mach minutes (3 words)
The Music Man
The name of the raven in Wicki's collection
ghost Newton pilot (3 words)
One Stoplight Town
One of the three people in this program who have gotten to swear on stage
Ethan Yearwood, Sam Yearwood, or Joey Varanelli
biller sesames (2 words)
Les Miserables
The show the bli-fold was made for
Turn of the Screw