juvie doesn't exist
... it does
what is the strain theory
crime is a result of the disconnect between social goals and the means available to achieve them
Mens rea deals with the physical act of committing a crime.
false. that is actus rea
what is assault
this crime involves intentionally inflicting bodily harm or the threat of harm upon another person
labelling theory
individuals become criminal when they are labeled as such by society, and then adopt that label as their identity
what is a felony?
a serious crime that is punishable by a prison sentence of at least one year or the death penalty.
Is suicide illegal in Canada?
No, but attempted suicide was not removed from our Criminal Code until 1972.
self control theory focuses on the persons self control in preventing their own behaviour
strict liability meaning
legal concept that involves a person being legally responsible for their actions regardless of their intentions
Phishing is when you go on a boat with that family member of yours and get a couple of salmon for dinner for the next 10 months
social disorganization theory?
crime is a result of people living in socially disorganized communituies where there is a lack of social cohesion and control.
what is embezzlement and what type of crime does it fall under
type of white collar crime involving the fraud accusation of funds by someone in position of power or trust.
What is the blue collor crime.
any crime committed by an individual from a lower social class as opposed to white-collar crime which is associated with crime committed by someone of a higher-level social class.
what is psychological theories of crime
the idea that individuals with psychological issues for mental disorders are more likely to commit crimes
what is the fifth amendment right?
this is the right of the person accused of a crime to remain silent and not testify against themselves in court