In this sentence, what is the noun?
J'écoute à la radio.
La radio.
What is the verb in this sentence, and what does it mean?
J'aime les pommes de terres.
Aimer, to like.
How would you ask the question, "How are you doing?"
Comment ça va?
If you had "huit" of something, how many would you have?
Translate this sentence.
J'ai un chien, et il s'appelle Rocky.
I have a dog, and his name is Rocky.
In this sentence, what is the noun?
Tu écris avec deux stylos?
What is the verb in this sentence, and what does it mean?
Vous travaillez beaucoup!
Travailler, to work.
What kind of question would this be?
J'ai vingt-cinq euros. How many euros do I have?
Twenty five.
Translate this sentence.
Tu parles beaucoup, c'est pénible!
You talk a lot, it's annoying!
What's the noun in this sentence, and what does it mean?
J'aime regarder à les fleurs.
Les fleurs, flowers.
What is the verb in this sentence, and what does it mean?
Je marche à l'école tous les jours.
Marcher, to walk.
If you were to add "n'est pas" to the end of a statement, what kind of questions would that be? (EX: C'est vendredi aujourd'hui, n'est pas?)
How much does this coat cost?
Ce manteau coûte soixante-dix-neuf euros.
Seventy nine euros.
Translate this sentence.
Travaillez-vous avec ton ami?
Do you work with your friend?
In French, what is the noun meaning "hair"?
What is the verb in this sentence, and what does it mean?
Tu ne partages pas bien.
Partager, to share.
What kind of question would this be?
L'examen est aujourd'hui?
About how many parks are in Texas?
Il y a environ quatre-vingt-dix parcs dans Texas.
About 90.
Translate these sentences.
Allez-vous à le magasin. Vous achetez du lait, du beurre et du pain. Merci!
You go to the store. You buy some milk, some butter and some bread. Thank you!
Une "papillion" is what insect?
A butterfly.
What are the two verbs in this sentence, and what do they mean?
Nous voulons boire quelque chose!
What does this question mean?
Est-ce que tu fais du sport?
Do you exercise?
How many people are here?
Il y a cent mille personnes ici!
Translate this sentence.
Nous voulons regardons les oiseaus et singes dans le zoo!
We want to see the birds and monkeys in the zoo!