How do you say "Head" in French?
La tête
Name two body parts in French that you have two of.
Les yeux
Les épaules
Les mains
Les Pieds
How do you say "I am Canadian" in French?
Je suis Canadien/Canadienne
What is the French word for French?
Le Français
How do you ask someone "how are you" and reply with "im good thanks" in French?
Ça va?, ça va bien, merci.
Your brother is tall and sporty. Describe him in French.
Mon frere est grand et sportif.
Where do French students sit and do homework and get books?
a la bibliothèque
Translate this into English: Bonjour. Je m'appelle Sam. Comment t'appelles-tu? Salut Sam, je m'appelle Olivier. Quel âge as-tu? J'ai treize ans.
Hello. My name is Sam. What's your name? Hi Sam! I'm Olivier. How old are you? I am 13.
What are the French words for: grandmother uncle son daughter
la grand-mere l'oncle le fils la fille
What is bibliothécaire in english?
The librarian.