This phrase is used to mean "see you later the same day"
What word did I spell: "zed, ee, pay, pay, euh, air"?
Count backwards (in French) from thirty to twenty using only even numbers
"trente, vingt-huit, vingt-six, vingt-quatre, vingt-deux, vingt"
"le téléphone portable"
You can say this to someone when you don't know when you'll see them again
"à la prochaine" (=see you next time)
The name of this accent mark looks like a little "hat" on the letter
accent circonflexe
vingt-trois (23)
Name 4 school supplies (en français) that you have with you today
(answers will vary: un crayon, un stylo, une feuille de papier, etc)
jaune + bleu = ??
You may say this if you're not doing so hot
ça ne va pas
Spell the word "bonjour" outloud with good pronunciation.
bay, oh, enn, gee, oh, eww, air
Read this numbers list out loud (en français): 3, 13, 4, 16, 29
trois, treize, quatre, seize, vingt-neuf
This item is sticky
un tube de colle
rouge + bleu = ??
You can say this to the salesperson when you leave the shop
Bonne journée, Au revoir
This accent marks has 2 dots above the letter
accent tréma
seize (-) douze = ??
quatre (4)
This item can be used in math class to fix your mistakes
une gomme
Translate: "a white and black eraser"
une gomme blanche et noire (the color comes after the noun)
This six letter word means "hi"
Spell "café" out loud in French
"say, ah, eff, euh accent aigu"
vingt-et-un (21, 31, 41, 51, 61, & 71)
This item is used to staple papers together
une agrafeuse
Translate: "I need a red ruler"
"J'ai besoin d'une règle rouge"