The number 100 in french
What is cent?
Boat in French
What is un bateau?
What is arm in french?
What is bras?
Pencil in french
What is un crayon?
Skateboard in french
What is un skateboard?
The number 3 in french
What is trois?
Airplane in French
Head in french
What is tete?
Door in french
What is la porte?
Singing in french
What is chanter?
The number 15 in french
What is quinze?
Bus in french
What is un autobus?
Foot in french
What is pied?
Desk in french
What is la bureau?
Watching Tv in french
What is regarder la television?
The number 62 in french
What is soixante-deux?
To walk in french
What is a pied?
What is mouth in french
What is bouche?
Chair in french
What is un chaise?
Reading in french
What is lire?
The number 1000 in french
What is mille?
A horse in french
What is un cheval?
What is finger in french
What is doigt?
Bathroom in french
What is Toilette?
Swimming in french
What is Nager?