Conjugate: I am
Je suis
Translate: Je mangeais
I was eating
Translate: Je vais aller
I am going to go
Translate: Il mangera la orange
He will eat the orange
Translate: Tu mangerais
You would eat
Conjugate: They are
Ils sont
Translate: Vous avez mangé
You all have eaten
Translate: On va courir
We are going to run
Translate: Tu finiras le devoir
Translate: Elle nagerait
Conjugate: You are eating
Tu es manger
Translate: Elle a parlé
She spoke
Translate: Tu vas manger
You are going to eat
Translate: Je dormirai plus tot
Translate: Je marcherais
I would walk
Conjugate: You all are screaming
Vous etes crier
Translate: Ils marchaient
They were walking
Translate: Vous allez prendre les bagages
You all are going to take the baggages
Translate: Ils seront la
Translate: Vous feriez
You all would do
Conjuagte: He is speaking
Il est parler
Translate: Elles ont fini
They finished
Translate: Ils vont vouloir le gateau
They are going to want the cake
Translate: J'aimerai le film
I will like the film
Translate: Ils seraient
They would be