How do you say "hello" in French?
Count to 10 in French
Which is the odd one out?
Lundi, Mardi, Avril, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche
What is "La gomme"?
What is Le Francais?
What word can be used to say "hello" and "goodbye" in French?
What month is your birthday?
Is "le crayon" a pencil or a crayon?
Which one is phys ed?
L'education physique or l'education technologique
L'education physique
How do you say "see you tomorrow" in French?
A demain
What number is quatre vingt douze?
Which is the odd one out?
Janvier, Fevrier, Mardi, Avril, Mai
Mardi --> Mars
How do you say calculator in French?
La calculatrice
What is les etudes sociales?
Social studies
What does "Comment allez vous?" mean?
How are you?
How do you say 71?
Soixante onze
Say the days of the week in French.
Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche.
Which one is a notebook? Cahier or Livre
What class are we in right now?
Le francais
How do you say "What is your name?" in French?
Comment tu t'appelles?
How do you say 95?
Quatre vingt quinze
What is today's date in French?
Le [Day of the Week] [Number] [Month].
How do you say stapler?
How do you say ELA in French?