What is the French word for swimming
Natation or nager
How do you say dog in French
le chien
How do you say a croissant in French
un croissant
How do you say 15 in French
How do you say black in French
What is the French verb for "to play"
How do you say rabbit in French
le lapin
How do you say I would like in French
Je voudrais
How do you say 21 in French
How do you say red in French
What is the French word for wrestling
la lutte
How do you say butterfly in french
le papillon
How do you say 'Is that all?' in French
C'est tout?
How do you say 17 in French
How do you say white in French
What is the French word for "to do/to make"
How do you say bird in French
le oiseau
How do you say ham and cheese sandwich in French
un sandwich au fromage et jambon
How do you say 30 in French
How do you say yellow in French
How do you say basketball
au basket
How do you say fish in French
le poisson
How do you say a coffee with milk in French
un cafe au lait
How do you say 2024 in French
deux mille vingt quatre
How do you say green in French