the past participle of 'ouvrir'
they help each other
ils s'aident
un essuie-glace
parler and manger (vous)
vous parleriez
vous mangeriez
emprunter, déposer, retirer de l'argent
Translate respectively what they mean
to borrow money
to deposit money
to withdraw money
The present tense of offrir for je and nous
j'offre / nous offrons
Complete: on ______________ (se disputer)
Now, translate...
on se dispute
We fight / argue
une roue de secours
ils finiraient de travailler - translate
He would finish working
un colis, une boite aux lettres
Translate and create a sentence with it
a package
a mailbox
Ex. Je mets le colis dans une boite aux lettres
le passé composé de couvrir for 'vous'
vous avez couvert
Why are verbs like 'se téléphoner, s'entendre, se donner, etc...called reciprocal verbs?
(answer may be explained)
Because they mean that something is happenign between two or more people and they are mutual - each other or one another.
tomber en panne
the stems of 'être', 'avoir', 'aller', 'devoir' and 'vouloir' (in order) for the conditional
Name 5 different places in the city where you could buy or do:
jewelry, pens, sign a mariage certificate, wash clothes, get a haircut
Then, translate the above items, too!
bijouterie, papeterie, mairie, laverie, salon de beauté (coiffure)
bijoux, stylos, certificat de mariage, la lessive, couper ses cheveux