Le corps Humain
What is the human body
apres l'ecole
what is after school
sac a dos
what is bookbag
Le Grenier
what is attic
Des epinards
What is spinach
le sourcil
what is the eyebrow
le soir
what is in the evening
une trousse
what is a pencil case
la salle a manger
what is dining room
Du Mais
What is corn
la jambe
what is the leg
de temps en temps
what is from time to time
un feutre
what is marker
la porte
what is door
Des haricots verts
What is green beans
le talon
what is the heel
what is often
la redoublement
what is teachers pet
Le salle de bains
what is bathroom
Une poire and Un ananas
What is pear and pineapple
Les doigts du pied
what is fingers of the foot
deux fois par semaine
what is twice per week
I'heure de colle
what is detention
La plafond
what is ceiling
Un Champignon and Une pomme de terre
What is mushrooms and potato