How do you write the red pens in French?
Les stylos rouges
What is the m. and f. forms of beautiful in french?
beau ----> belle
What is the plural form of : Vieux and vieille
What is the negation in French
Ne/pas and Ne/jamais
what is : We are in French
Nous sommes
What is the f. form of white in french?
What is the m. and f. form of old in french?
vieux ---> vielle
What is the word young in french? Does it change in f. form?
jeune; no
We put Ne/pas before the verb when we negate . Vrai ou Faux
Which verb do we use to talk about possession? avoir ou être?
How do you say "The pink door"
La porte rose.
What do you put to the ending of beau when plural
x as in beaux
How do you say the "old women" in French?
les vieiles femmes
Translate: I don't have money
Je n'ai pas d'argent
What verb do we use when describing people and or object ?
In French, what two colors never change form, even if they are plural.
orange and brown (orange et marron)
what do you add to feminine form of the masculine form adjective ending with -ien and give an example
Example: Tunisien/Tunisienne.
Translate: She is not Happy
Elle n'est pas heureuse.
What preposition do you put in a negative sentence with avoir verb ? and give an example.
Example : Nous n'avons pas de stylos.
Translate: They (M) need a black table.
Ils ont besoin d'une table noire.
In French, does the color come before or after the noun?
Translate "a mean student (female).
Une étudiante méchante
What is the ending of an adjective in the feminine form of the masculine form that ends with -F. Give an example .
Drop -F and add -ve
Example: Sportive, active, naive,
Translate : The student doesn't like French class.
L'étudiante n'aime pas la classe de francais
Translate: I feel like speaking French.
J'ai envie de parler francais.