Political and Economic Systems
Treaties and Proclamations
Grab Bag

The House of Lords and the House of Commons make up this Governing Body.

What is Parliament?


This treaty had Canada saying au revoir to French rule  and hello to British rule. It also ended the French and Indian War.

What is the Treaty of Paris?


This is when a country is exporting more than it is importing or selling more than it is buying.

What is a favorable balance of trade?


Ahoy! These sea routes involved Europe, North America, and Africa.

What is Triangular Trade?


The French and Indian War was called this elsewhere in the world.

What is The Seven Years' War?


Raw materials were plentiful in the colonies; however, due to restrictions were mostly made in England.

What are manufactured goods?


Colonists must have been mighty confused after learning of this proclamation that prohibited them from entering the Ohio River Valley. Guess the King didn't review the Causes of the F&I War organizer.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


Thank you for not paying close attention. This policy means that certain people benefited from authorities not enforcing laws.

What is Salutary Neglect?


The colonies provided these, places where people could buy buy buy British goods

What are markets?


In Nova Scotia the British won a battle using these. Oh Danny Boy they must be calling.

What are bagpipes?


Most were appointed by the King of England and their role was to enforce the laws of Parliament.

Who are the Royal Governors?


The Proclamation line was intended to keep colonists away from the Native Americans and close to this where British authority was strongest.

What is the Atlantic Ocean?


This maternal term refers to a place that had control over governmental policies in sometimes far away lands.

What is mother country?


These items were listed one by one often in a formal or official manner.

What are enumerated goods?


Colonists were given the burden of paying the British debt which totalled this much after it doubled from 70 million pounds.

What is 140 million pounds?


This economic system strives to accumulate more wealth than rivals, especially gold and silver and having colonies is a good way to do that.

What is mercantilism?


Before the French and Indian War Native Americans would trade for guns and ammunition with the French. Now the French territory in North America was divided between the British and this other European country.

What is Spain?


These policies were set in place by Parliament to keep Britain self-sufficient and restricted trade within the Empire.

What are the Navigation Acts?


The British officials' refusal to offer gifts of guns, gunpowder, and ammunition with the Native Americans as the French had prompted this three year conflict.

What is Pontiac's Rebellion?


George Washington was this age when he was tasked with leading the retreat after The Battle of the Wilderness.

What is 21?


These made laws in the colonies and at least one house was elected by white landowners. 

What are Colonial Assemblies?


On July 25th, 1766 a peace treaty was signed by this chief of the Ottawa tribe bringing an end to conflict that saw Native Americans seizing forts from the British.

Who is Pontiac?


This act's aim was to reduce smuggling in the colonies. Unfortunately it not only increased smuggling but brought about protests and boycotts.

What is the Sugar Act?


Colonial opposition to British acts increased after customs officers were allowed to obtain these by Parliament. Smuggled goods are always in the last place that you look.

What are writs of assistance?


This Prime Minister thought that lowering the tax on molasses would reduce smuggling. He also began trying smugglers by royally appointed judges rather than local juries.

Who is George Grenville?
