What is Monday in french?
(notice how it is not capitilized)
*In french, Monday is the first day of the week*
What is January and February in french?
janvier- January
fevrier- February
(notice how none of the words are capitalized)
How do you say "Summer" in french?
How do you say "what is the date" in french?
Quelle est la date?
(What is the date)
What do you answer with when someone asks you
"Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?"
Mon anniversaire est le (#) (Month)
Mon anniversaire est le 8 juillet
(My birthday is July 8th)
What is Tuesday in french?
(notice how it is not capitalized)
What is March and April in french?
(notice how none of the words are capitalized)
How do you say "Winter" in french?
How do you say "What is the date today?"
Quelle est la date aujourd’hui?
(What is today’s date)
What is the answer when someone asks you:
Quelle est la saison?
La saison est (Season)
La saison est l'hiver
(The season is winter)
What is Wednesday in french?
(notice how it is not capitalized)
What is May and June in french?
mai- May
juin- June
(notice how none of the words are capitalized)
How do you say "Spring" in french?
Le Printemps
How do you say "What is the date tomorrow?"
Quelle est la date demain?
(What is the date tomorrow)
What is the answer when someone asks:
Quelle est la date demain?
Demain, c’est le (#/premier) (FR month).
Demain, c’est le cinq decembre
(Tomorrow is the 5th of December)
What is Thursday in french?
(notice how it is not capitalized)
What is July, August, and September in french?
septembre- September
(notice how none of the words are capitalized)
How do you say "Autumn/Fall" in french?
How could you ask someone when their birthday is?
Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?
(What is the date of your birthday)
What do you say after someone says:
Quel mois est-ce?
C’est ______.
C’est janvier.
What is Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in french?
Vendredi- Friday
Samedi- Saturday
Dimanche- Sunday
(notice how none of the words are capitalized)
What is October, November, and December in french?
octobre- October
(notice how none of the words are capitalized)
How would you ask someone what season it is?
Quelle est la saison?
(What is the season)
*You would answer with:*
C’est _____________.
(It’s ___)
What do you always start with when asking a question about the date?
You always start with "Quelle" when asking about something.
What do you say after someone says:
Quelle est ta saison préférée?
Mon saison préférée est ____.
Mon saison préférée est mars.