This person is the French Prime Minister.
Who is Élisabeth Bourne
A long loaf of bread is known as a
What do the French call th prank playing day the April 1st?
Poisson d'Avril
In French, the French National soccer team is known by this name.
Les bleus
Famous French Physicists include the husband and wife team of Pierre and Marie
The Curies
He is the French President
Who is Emmanuel Macron
If you want coffee with milk, you order this.
café au lait
Paques, is called what in English?
The national French team are usually dressed in this colour
There are over 350 types of this produced in France
These are the words in the French motto in English
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity
This type of flan has the same name in French and English.
creme brulé
This December holiday is also a religious one. The name in French
This cycling event is held annually in France
Tour de France
This is the official French currency
French is the official language of this organisation
United Nations
This is a crescent shaped favourite.
A French person born on this day is traditionally named Valentin.
St. Valentine's Day
The French also enjoy this sport. It is second in popularity to soccer.
These are the French flag colours
Blue, White & Red
bleu, blanc & rouge
Martinique and this island, located in the Caribbean, are overseas departments of France
It is thinner than a pancake and can be served with a sweet or savoury filling.
This is the date of the French Independence holiday
July 14th
This sport is called ' la natation ' in French
Located in Paris, this is the most popular tourist attraction in France.
Eiffel Tower