French Communication
French Nouns and Articles
French Culture
French Verbs & Interrogatives
French + Math
Jody: Salut! Comment allez-vous? You: _________________________ What is your reply?
Ca va bien! Et toi?
Which is the correct definite or indefinte article for amie? Une Des Un
You go to your cousins apartment to drop something off, what would you do when you first get there?
Since it's your family member, both men and women would greet her, and do double light kisses on her cheek.

You are sitting at a table in class. It's snack time! You pull out your lunch sack and you pull out your apple. As you take a bite, you feel way better than you did when your stomach was growling in History Class. What verbs could you use to describe this scene?

(Multiple answers) avoir, avoir envie (de), manger, J'aime bien, apporter, avoir faim, manger quelque chose, prendre,

What is six X huit?
quarante huit
How would you tell someone your birthday?
Mon anniversaire est _____________.
What is the correct definite or indefinite article for instrument? Un La Une
You are applying for a job interview and you are just meeting the boss, what would you do first?
For both men and women, you would do a brisk and light handshake.

Today is the day... Your exam! You sit and think very hard in class. "What could the answer be to question 16?" you said to yourself. You are struggling, because you didn't study. You decide to cheat and look over at John's answer. :( What would be some verbs to describe this scene?

(Multiple answers) avoir, chercher, commencer, être reçu(e) à un examen, étudier, passer un examen, penser,

What is treize X quatre?
Nathan: Quelle est la date aujourd'hui? You: __________________ What is your reply?
La date aujourd'hui est _______________.
What is the correct definite or indefinite article for sociologie? La Un Une
How would you know when you call a lady "Madam?"
All women who are married and single who are over the age of 18.
Awww! Your secret crush named Mary just asked if you wanted to go to the fair this weekend! You don't know what to think. Are you happy? Do you think she likes you? Are you nervous? Either way, you are still going, so you can get some quality time with her! What verbs could you use to describe this scene?
réagir, aimer, assister, avoir envie (de) , demander, penser, rencontrer, visiter.
What is quarante-deux - vingt trois?
Mr Rucker: Bonjour Monsieur! Boy: _________________ Mr Rucker: Comment vous appelez-vous? Boy: _________________ Fill in the blanks!
Mr Rucker: Bonjour Monsieur! Boy: _________________ Mr Rucker: Comment vous appelez-vous? Boy: _________________ Fill in the blanks! 1. Bonjour Monsieur Rucker. 2. Je m'appelle (name)
What is the definite or indefinite article for chose? Une Un La
You are at a cafe in Paris and just got the bill... The total is 27.43 Euros. Would you leave a tip for the waitress or waiter? Why or why not?
No! If you leave a tip, they can be very offended. In Europe, waiters and waitresses make a living wage already.

Oh no! You start to realize that drinking a bunch or soda, and eating is a bunch of junk food is starting to make you gain weight! You are very sad. You make a plan that you are going to be going to the gym everyday! You think to yourself that this is the perfect plan. What verbs could be used to describe this scene?

(Multiple options) maigrir, grossir, réagir, manger quelque chose, réfléchir (à), réussir (à), faire de la gym, faire des sports, faire une promenade.

What is Trente divided by cinq?
Six (6)
* You bump into your close friend that you will be hanging out with later tonight* Layla: Bonjour (name)! Ca va? You: ____________________ Layla: Ca va bien, Merci! * You continue to talk to Layla, but it must come to an end* Fill in the blank and how would you say goodbye to her?
1. Ca va bien, et tua? 2. A plus tard! (If you payed attention, you will be seeing Layla later tonight, so you must say, "See you later!"
What is the definite or indefinite article of librairie? Un Une La
Your best friend Matt is coming over to hang out! Would you give him a light kiss, or a handshake?
It kinda depends. Most men would give just give a handshake even if it's with close friends. But with a girl, it may be different with Matt.

You are a student in French class and you have to conduct an interview with one of your peers,  in French. You love that you are getting to work with a partner, but you are nervous because this needs to be done in French. You have studied interrogative words and you hope that this goes well. What questions can you pose to find out  about your peer in this interview so that it goes smoothly?

Quel âge as-tu?, Quelle est ta nationalité?, Où habites-tu?, Qu'aimes tu faire pendant ton temps libre? Préfères-tu manger de la glâce ou le chocolat?, Aimez-vous faire des sports ou jouer des jeux vidéos?

What is vingt + quinze?
Trente cinq (35)