What does hunched mean?
bent over
Where is Alba sitting at the beginning of the story?
Next to a shrub
What does Alba plan to do next to Todd?
She plans to pinch a french fry
What does Alba see in the bush?
a filthy rat
What does Alba do when she sees the bus has not yet left?
She dashes towards the bus
What does vanish mean?
What does Alba wish for?
a big, hot lunch
How does Alba move towards Todd?
She inches along the bench
How big is the rat (since Alba is so small)?
The rat is as big as a pig
How does Alba land on the bus?
With a crash
What does filthy mean?
Who does Alba see going into Rich's shop?
She sees Todd.
What happens when the bus pulls up?
Todd drops the rest of his bag of french fries
What does the rat do when it smells the french fries?
It sniffs at the fries
What does Alba do with the french fries when she gets on the bus?
She lets the rat finish them
What does dash mean?
to rush or run fast
What does Todd buy from the shop?
a bag of french fries
How does Alba describe the french fry she grabs?
she thinks its as big as a plank
How does Alba feel when the rat is near?
Here chest thumps- she is scared
Who is the man that dashes to the bus stop?
It is Max
What does drifts mean?
to be carried away by the air
How does the smell of the fries make Alba feel?
She sniffs and desires (wants) them
Why does Alba feel the need to be stealthy?
What doe Alba wish she had to help her?
What does Alba do that the rat will probably appreciate?
She lets him eat the rest of the fries