What is passé composé?
Past tense in french
what are possessive adjectives?
nous being possessive to a item or person
what are the er endings?
es, ons, ez
How do you write "i am good" in french?
je suis bon
j'ai fait un gâteau
i baked a cake
What is the correct ending for past tense for ER?
Remove ER and add é
What is "je" possessive adjective? (masc, fem, plural)
mon, ma, mes
what are ir endings?
is, issons, issez
How do you write "i have a cake" in french?
j'ai un gateau
j'aime les chats
i like cats
Qu'est-ce que "je finis la course" en passe compose?
j'ai fini la course
Which two verbs have both masculine and feminine possessive adjective the same?
Nous and Vous
what are re endings?
s, ons, ez
How do you write "i own a dog" in french?
j’ai un chien
Je me suis réveillé à 10
i woke up at 10
Qu’est-ce que "je perdre la course" dans passe compose ?
j'ai perdu la course
What is "tu" possessive adjectives? (masc, fem, plural)
ton, ta, tes
what endings are used for avoir? (irregular)
ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient
How do you say "im going to the store" in french
Je vais au magasin
Je n’aime pas aller au magasin
i dont like to go to the store
Qu’est-ce que "je veux un gâteau" en passe compose? (veux = want)
je voulais un gâteau
What is the feminine possessive adjective of all pronouns? (je, tu, elle/il, nous, vous, elles/ils)
mon, ton, son, notre, notre, leur
How do you say "how are you" in french?
comment ça va
J’ai passé l’aspirateur pendant les vacances d’été
i went on vacation during summer break