What is Hello?
What is Goodbye?
Au revoir!
Comment ca va?
What is your name and he response?
Comment tu t'appelles? and Je m'appelle
What colour in the france flag?
Red, blue and white
What is Hi?
What is bye?
What is ca va?
How is it going?
Enchante ou Enchantee
How do you ask to go to the bathroom?
Est-ce que je peut aller au toilettes?
What is Good Evening?
What is See you soon?
A bientot
How do you ask "and you" (informally and formally)
Et toi and et vous
Customary kiss on the cheek?
La bise
Can I fill up my water bottle?
Est-ce que je peut rempli ma bouteille d'eau?
What is an informal greeting?
What is see you later?
A plus tard
Formal way of asking how are you?
Comment allez-vous or Vous allez bien
Customary greeting when you greet someone again?
What does aujourd'hui mean?
What is Good Morning? (only in Quebec/ Canada)
Bon matin
What is see you tomorrow?
A demain
What is "What are you doing?"
Qu'est-ce que tu fais?
What is his and her name?
Comment elle s'appelle?
Who is the current famous France soccer player?
Kylian Mbappe