What is RED in French?
How do you say NOSE in French?
What is cucumber in French?
Le concombre
What is coat in French?
Le manteau
What the number 2 in French?
Jaune and bleu make...
In French, what body part do you usually put an earring on?
Les oreilles.
Name 2 foods that are red in French.
Some possible answers could have been:
le fraise, le tomate, la pomme.
Bottoms in the summer in French.
Les shorts
Count from 1 to 5 in French.
Une, deux, trois, quatre, cinq
What colours can the sky be?
Bleu, gris, blanc.
In French, what body part is below your eyebrows but above your nose?
Les yeux.
What is cheese in French?
le fromage
Snowpants in French.
Pantalons de neige
Count from 1 to 10 in French.
Une, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix
Name all 4 warm colours in French.
Rose, rouge, orange, jaune.
What is chin in French?
Le menton
What fruit can be red, green, and sometimes even yellow in French?
La pomme.
A baseball hat.
Une chapeau
Name all 6 colours of the rainbow in French.
Rouge, orange, jaune, vert, bleu, violet.
Name 5 different body parts that are on your face.
You might have said:
les yeux, les sourcil, le cils, le menton, la bouche, les oreilles, les dents, le joue, le front, les cheveux, le nez.
What are some ingredients in a salad?
Some possible answers could be:
la laitue, le tomate, le fromage, le concombre, la carrots, les avocat.
Girls wear this type of bottom in the summer.
Une jupe.
Count from 1 to 20 in French.
Une, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, hui, neuf, dix, onze, douze, treize, quatorze, quinze, seize, dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf, vingt