What do you call the head in French?
la tête
What do you call a foot in French?
un pied
When using the pronoun "Je" what form would the verb "grandir" appear in?
je grandis
What does "un" translate to in English?
What does "Lundi" translate to in English?
What do you call one hand in French?
Une main
What does "une oreille" translate to in English?
An ear
When using the pronoun "ils" what form would the verb "finir" appear in?
ils finissent
What does "Tu" translate to in English?
A toe
What does les cils translate to in English?
The eyelashes
What do you call a leg in French?
Une jambe
When using the pronoun "nous" what form would the verb "lier" appear in?
nous lions
What does gagner translate to in English?
What negation refers to "never" in French?
What does "un genou" translate to in English
A knee
What do you call a face in French?
la figure
What are some common exceptions to the French verb rule?
aller, avoir, être, savoir, venir
What does terminent translate to in English?
What month is August in French?
What does "les yeux" translate to in English?
The eyes
Fake eyelashes
What's the unchanged form of the verb, "vont."
What does feuilles translate to in English?
What do you call a K-5 teacher in French?
un instituteur/une institutrice