This most famous monument in Paris.
What is «la Tour Eiffel/the Eiffel Tower» ?
The mythical character the «Hunchback of Notre Dame» lives in this city.
What is «Paris»?
This device was used to execute people during the French Revolution. Additionally, this device bears the name of a famous office stationery.
What is the «Guillotine»?
This is the most common form of greeting someone during the day. This can be used in formal & informal situations
What is «Bonjour»?
«Je voudrais une baguette» Which shop am I in?
What is «la boulangerie»?
This museum is home to the Mona Lisa.
What is «le Louvre/the Louvre» ?
This country is to the south of France and also shares a border with France.
What is «Spain» ?
This famous French queen said «let them eat cake».
Who is «Marie Antoinette»?
"My name is ..." in French.
What is «Je m'appelle...»/«Mon nom est...»/ «Je suis...»?
«Je voudrais un kilo de jambon.» Which shop am I in?
What is «la boucherie/charcuterie»?
This monument was a gift from France to the USA.
What is the «Statue of Liberty»?
An arm of the Atlantic Ocean that separates Southern England from northern France.
What is the «The English Channel» ?
This historic event was marked by the storming of the Bastille Prison.
What is the «French Revolution»?
"I would like..." in French.
What is «Je voudrais...»/«J'aimerais...»?
«Je voudrais deux kilos de poisson, s'il vous plait.» Where am I?
What is «la poissonnerie»?
This monument was built to celebrate Napoleon Bonaparte's victories.
What is the «Arc de Triomphe»?
These mountains separate France and Italy.
What are «the Alps» ?
This Roman Emperor established full Roman control over Gaul in 51 B.C.
Who is «Julius Caesar»?
In a French restaurant, the waiter asks: «What would you like...».
What is «Vous désirez»?
The English equivalent of «une grande surface»
What is the «A supermarket»?
This palace was once home to King Louis XVI and his wife Marie-Antoinette.
What is the «Palais de Versailles/Versailles»?
This geographical feature divides France's capital city.
What is the «Seine River» ?
This young girl became a military leader acting under divine guidance. She became a martyr and was burnt at the stake.
Who is «Joan of Arc»?
«Donnez-moi un demi-kilo de pommes, s'il vous plait» in English.
What is «Give me half a kilo of apples, please»?
Here, I can buy tools and/or items I need to build a house or to do handy jobs around a house.
What is «une quincaillerie»?