Finir passe compose with subject pronoun je
What is J'ai fini?
Se brosse a cheveux
What is to brush your hair?
Le barbier
What is barber?
Identify animal that makes this noise: groin-groin
What is le cochon?
La recolte
What is harvest?
regarder passe compose with subject pronoun vous
what is vous avez regarde?
Le seche-cheveux
What is the hair dryer?
To work at a boulangerie
What is un boulanger?
Identify the animal that makes this noise: Cocorico
What is un coq?
La paille
What is hay?
vendre passe compose with subject pronoun elle
What is elle a vendu?
organiser le bureau
To be a tailor (m)
Identify the animal that makes this noise: bee bee
What is une chevre?
La pluie
What is rain?
Irregular past participle for voir
What is j'ai vu?
Une machine a laver
What is a washing machine?
Une peintre (F)
What is a painter?
Identify the animal that makes this noise: groink groink
What is un lapin?
Une aspirateur
What is a vacuum?
La semaine dernier
What is last week?
Essuyer la vaisselle
Un chasonnier
What is a singer?
Identify the animal that makes this noise: cot cot cot
What is une poule?
Une tondeuse
What is a lawn mower?