The word for apple.
What is "pomme".
The word for Hello in French.
What is Bonjour!
Translate in English: Je suis Anna.
What is "I am Anna".
The word for red in French.
What is Rouge.
The english translate for "lunettes de soleil".
What is "Sunglasses".
The word for "milk" in French.
What is "du lait".
The word for "Goodbye" in French.
What is Au Revoir.
Translate: "Un chat et un chien."
What is "A cat and a dog."
The word for "orange and black" in French.
What is "orange and nwar."
The english translation for "chaussures".
What is "shoes".
Translate: Une pomme et un sandwich.
What is "A apple and a sandwich."
Translate: Bonjour! Je m'appelle Sue. Et toi?
What is "Hello! My name is Sue. And you?"
Translate: Mon nom est....
What is "My name is..."
Name the colors "blue, purple, green and white" in French.
What is "bleu, violet, vert, and blanc".
Translate: Merci beaucoup.
What is "Thank you very much".
The words for "egg and bread" in French.
What is "oeuf and pain".
Translate: "Comment allez-vous?"
What is "How are you?"
In English, translate: "L'adulte lit."
What is.."The adult reads."
Name the basic colors of the rainbow in French.
What is "Rouge, orange, juane, vert, bleu, violet."
Translate in English: "C'est un cheval."
What is "It's a horse."
Translate: Je bois du café.
What is "I am drinking coffee."
Translate in French: "Thank you very much. Have a good day!"
What is "Merci beaucoup! Bonne Journee!"
In French, translate: "Hello Charlotte. How are you doing?"
What is "Bonjour Charlotte. Comment ca va?"
The word for "rainbow" in French.
What is "arc-en-ciel"
Translate in French: "He is running."
What is " Il court."