How would you say "I call Myself"
What is Je M'appelle
Name 3 European Countrys
What is
Ex:France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal
How many kids does Mrs. Yarno have
(extra points for knowing the gender)
2 sons 1 daughter
Name 3 French celebrities
What are the months of the year?
What is
Janvier, Fevrier, Mars, Avril, Mai, Juin, Juillet, Aout, Septembre, Octobre, November, Decembre.
Name 3 Countrys that have French as their national language
(at least 2 must be said in French)
what is
France, Cameroon, Canada, Belgium, Monaco, Senegal, Switzerland, and more
How long has Mrs. Yarno worked at LHS
what is 25 years?
When did France gift the Statue of Liberty to America
(Within 5 years)
What is 1885
What are the days of the Week?
What is
Lundi, Mardi, Mecredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche
tell the time in frrench
what is
(2:30 P.M.) Il est quinze heures moins demi-heure
How many languages does she fluently speak
What is 3
Name three of the seven Countries that border France
What is
Germany, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Andorra, And Luxemburg
Name 5 things in the common classroom
What is
Un Livre, Une Carte, Une Chaise, Une fenetre, Une Porte, Un cahier, Une Calculatrice, Un Stylo, Un Sac a Dos, Un Crayon.
What are the 2 parts of Passe Compose
What is
The Helping verb and the past participle.
Where did Mrs. Yarno meet her husband
What is WSU
What is the population of france
( within 5 million you get points)
What is 68 Million
Explain the difference between Cognates, and Faux Amies (in english)
what is
Cognates look like English words and have similar meanings. while Faux Amies Look like English words but have different meanings.
Explain the Passe Compose Concept to the best of your ability (in English)
what is
the action of putting a word or phrase into the past tense.
How many vehicles does Mrs Yarno own
What is 5
When was the French Republic Started
(points for being within 10 years)
What is 1792