How do you desk in french?
What is bleu?
Basketball in French
Which form of etre goes in this sentence? Je _____ Etudiante.
How do you say I have
What is manger in English?
To eat
How do you say pen in french?
What is rouge?
Ice Hockey in French
Which form of etre goes in this sentence? Nous _____ dans la maison.
How do you say they have?
Bon Nuit
How do you say to listen in french?
How do you say chair in French?
What is rose?
Soccer in French (different word)
How do you say "we are not" in french?
Nous ne sommes pas.
How do you say me and my friends have?
What is Traviller in english?
How do you say book in French?
What is vert clair?
Climbing in French
soixante Seize
How do you say they (feminine) are not?
Elles ne sont pas
How do you say they have?
Bon Apres-midi
What is Nager in English?
How do you say "a big paper" in French?
What is rouge foncee?
Horseback riding in French
Quatre Vingt Dix Huit
List all pronouns and their conjugation of etre.
Je suis
Tu es
Il/elle est
Nous sommes
Vous etes
Ils/Elles Sont
List all pronouns and conjugations of avior (think of the song)
tu as
il a
elle a
nous avons
vous avez
ils ont
elles ont
How do you say "to play" in French?