Quebec has over a million lakes and streams, True or False?
Downhill Skiing is:
A) Le ski alpine
B) Le Ski de fond
C) Le ski des arbe
D) Le ski downhil
A) Le ski alpine
What is good day in French?
What is a tree in French?
What is dix-huit?
Montreal is the oldest city in Canada, True or False?
False, Quebec City, Quebecs capital is the oldest in Canada.
What is Hockey in French?
A) Le Hockey
B) Hockee
C) La puck
D) Le patinage
A) Le Hockey
What is bye in French?
au revoir
What is a champignon?
What is a flower in french?
Une fleur.
Montreal is the biggest French speaking city in the world, True or false?
False, Montreal is second after Paris France.
What is the Olympic winter sport, "Luge" called?
What is thank you very much in french?
merci beaucoup.
What is a wolfe?
Un loup.
What does maison hantee mean in french?
Hanuted House.
What was Quebec called before Quebec?
New France.
What is skating in French?
La patinage.
Mr. Kalin: "Bonjour, Bob, Comment Ca Va?"
Bob: "Comme ci, comme ca."
How is Bob feeling?
Bob is feeling just ok.
What is a raton laveur? Hint: They are not in Vanderhoof.
A raccoon.
What does "Jai cinq cintrouille" mean in english?
I have five pumpkins.
What is the meat pie famous in Quebec called?
What is figure skating in French?
Le patinage artistique.
What does "Comment t'apples-tu" mean?
Whats your name.
What is a "une moufette"?
A skunk.
Where did Mr. Kalin go skiing in Quebec over winter break??
Le massif.