An animal that is big, has short hair, and stays in the water most days starts with this letter.
(hint: there is a christmas song about it)
What is h, or ache for Hippopotamus
We + Verb = We have
What is nous avons
What is Nice to Meet You
One through 10
What is un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix.
Une tableau
What is the board
This animal is black and white stripped and is at zoos across the country. What does it start with?
(hint: There is an animated movie about animals and this is one of the main animals.)
(Double hint: His name is Marty.)
What is zé or z, for Zebra.
You (collective or formal) + Verb = You have
What is vous avez
Bonjour! J'e m'appelle...Enchanté! Comment tu t'appelle?J'ai...ans. Tu as quel âge? Salut!
What is Hello! My name is...nice to meet you! What is your name? I am...years old. How old are you? Bye!