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Code Noir
Who was the Spanish explorer who discovered the Mississippi and was brutal to the Natives
Hernando de Soto
Who were the Pelican Girls?
French women sent over to marry French settlers.
What is nepotism?
Misusing power and money to your own benefit.
What event lead to the Second Natchez War?
The Ft. Rosalie Massacre
What did the Code Noir say about marriage?
• Forbade blacks and whites to live together and to get married • Any children born through interracial unions were slaves. • Blacks and French colonists could marry Indians.
Who declared that France owned all of the land that the Mississippi drained into?
Rene Robert Cavalier, Sieur de La Salle
Who was appointed the first governor of Louisiana?
Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac
What was a voyageur?
Men who brought explorers and traders through waterways using pirogues.
What did Gov. Cadillac do in response to the Natchez murdering four French traders?
He sent Bienville and a group of soldiers to punish the Natchez, they forced them to execute the guilty warriors, then built Fort Rosalie.
What did the Code Noir say about Religion?
• Only the Catholic Church was allowed. • All slaves had to be baptized. • The Code forbade Jews from entering the colony
Who was the naval officer sent to establish settlements and forts and secure France's control of the Mississippi?
Pierre le Moyne, Sieur de Iberville
Who protected the border against the Spanish in Texas?
Louis Juchereau de St. Denis
What is a monopoly
When a person or group has exclusive control over the production or sale of a product or service.
What were the Mississippi Bandits?
Hired to sieze homeless, drunks,and street people and force them on a boat to Louisiana.
What did the Code Noir say about slave culture?
• African names, customs, food, language, and clothing survived better in Louisiane than in most American colonies.
Who spent a total of 30 years as governor even though it was not all at one time?
Jean Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de Bienville
Who did King Louis XIV give a 15 year monopoly?
Antoine Crozat
Where was New France located?
List 3 methods John Law used to populate the colony. Were they effective?
Law hired gangs of thugs to seize homeless, drunk, and street people from the slums of Paris and other large cities. The “Mississippi Bandits” forced them onto ships bound for Louisiane. Law’s Company of the West offered large land grants called concessions to wealthy Europeans. He knew they would pay for settlers to travel to Louisiane and work their land. His most successful method was promoting redemptioners.
What did the Code say about equality?
• Freed slaves were equal to whites. • They could buy slaves, own property, and serve in the government or military. • Because of these rights, many free people of color were wealthy and influential.
Who was the Scottish financial genius that created the Company of the West?
John Law
Who were redemptioners?
Immigrants who accepted free passage to Louisiane who worked for three years for a merchant.
What was mercantilism? What did Louisiana provide for France? What did France provide for Louisiana?
Mercantilism was the belief that each country or empire should have access to, and control of, raw materials needed to build and maintain a healthy economy. It was a closed system, so Louisiane was not allowed to trade with any country but France. France sent finished goods such as clothing, furniture, and ink to the colony. Louisiane shipped raw materials such as fur, timber, and indigo back to France. It was not a very profitable system and since it was easier and cheaper to trade with the Spanish, illegal trade with them was common.
Describe at least two things that could have been done differently to make Louisiane stable and successful.
open trade, relations with tribes living in the area, the Code Noir, the effectiveness of those appointed to manage and lead the colony
What rights did the Code give slaves?
• The Code recognized slaves as humans, so slaves could not be prevented from marrying. • A child under 14 could not be separated from his mother. • Slaves could not be forced to work on Sundays or religious holidays. • Owners had to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, and medical attention and care for the slave if he or she was no longer able to work.