French Revolution
French locations (regions and cities)
Algeria under French Colonial Rule
World War II

French Revolutionary event the resulted in the king and his family being brought from the Versailles palace to Paris.

Women's march on Versailles.


Bouillabaisse (a type of fish stew) is a traditional dish in which French region?  



Algeria is located in this region of North Africa, which includes Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, and sometimes Mauritania, as well as Algeria.

The Maghreb.


The French used this term to characterize their colonial regimes as bringing enlightenment and progress to the peoples they colonized.

The "civilizing mission."


This former World War I hero became the leader of Occupied France.

Pétain (Philippe Pétain).


Art movement influential in 18th and 19th Century France that drew its inspiration from antiquity.



This region was known for its coal production, even if the coal mines are no longer in operation.

The North (Nord).  Nord-Pas-de-Calais or "Hauts-de-France" are also acceptable answers.


This is the term the French used to designate the original inhabitants of Algeria (and other colonies), as opposed to the European settlers.



According to Howe, an Empire typically consists of a core (usually a nation-state) and its distant territories:  two other terms he uses to describe this geo-political organization are ...

metropole and periphery (or colony).


On July 16-17, French Jews were arrested and held in detention in this sporting facility, prior to deportation.

The Vélodrome d'Hiver or the "Vel d'Hiv."


King Louis XVI convened the Three Estates in 1789 in an attempt to resolve the fiscal crisis in his realm. What are the bodies that comprise the Three Estates?

Nobility, Clergy, People.


This region of France, where Philippe is transferred,  borders Belgium.

The North (Nord); Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Hauts-de-France are also acceptable answers.

This people is a significant minority population in Algeria.  Their native language is Tamazight, although like other Algerians they also speak Arabic, and often French.  

The Berbers.


In this arrangement, the mother-country works with local political chiefs to enact its colonial practices.

Indirect rule, collaboration. Howe refers to the local political chiefs as collaborators (in a neutral sense).


This French general refused to accept the legitimacy of the armistice between Germany and France, and fled to London to set up a government in exile.

De Gaulle (Charles).


Revolutionary event in which the National Assembly pledged collectively and almost unanimously (there was one dissenting vote) not to adjourn until they had produced a constitution.

Tennis Court Oath.


In "Days of Glory," the Algerian soldiers are assigned a mission to defend a bridge in this region, which has several times been passed back and forth between France and German.

Alsace, or Alsace-Lorraine.  (Lorraine is a separate and adjacent region -- Germany annexed all of Alsace and part of Lorraine at the end of the Franco-Prussian war in 1871.)


This term is used to designate French people from mainland France.

The "métropolitains"


This term can be used to describe an association of countries that may formerly have had colonial relationships with a mother-county but which are now understood to be equal partners with that mother-country.

A Commonwealth.


Since under the Occupation, Paris was in the Occupied Zone, the French government conducted its business in this southern city.  (For this reason, the French government during World War II is sometimes called the "...." government.)



The King's attempt to escape from Paris with his family hardened the resolve of those who wanted to put an end to the monarchy.  What is that event called?  

The Flight to Varennes.


This is the largest city in the North region; it is where Philippe and his new colleagues in the post office go to dine in a restaurant after they help him move in.  It is also home to a large university.



This familiar term was used to designate European colonists in Algeria.

"Black feet" or "pieds noirs"  (the origin of the term is debated).


The term used for a colony that receives large numbers of inhabitants from the outside, often to engage in agriculture and replace the native population, is ...

A "settler colony."


In addition to the deportation of Jews and resistance fighters, French people were also sent to Germany during the war to do this, as part of the "Service du Travail Obligatoire" agreement between Germany and France.

to work, mostly in factories.
