( "conjugations" )
Conjugate "aimer" for the subject "je".
What is "le radical"/ the "root" / the "stem" of a verb?
It is the verb, with the respective ending, (er, ir, re) cut off.
ex: verb = 'aimer'
the root for aimer is 'aim'
choose the correct verb to complete this sentence.
j'/je________ les chiens parce qu'ils sont très mignon.
Find the error:
nous mangez la pizza avec beaucoup de fromage
nous mangeons.
what is the point of conjugating? why is it done?
in order to use verbs, we need to make them match the subject of the sentence
Conjugate "écouter" for the subject "we"
nous écoutons
If you are writing to Mme. Wilcox en francais, would you conjugate verbs using "TU" ? Why or why not?
No. "Vous" shows respect, politeness, and professionalism. "tu" is used informally and with people you know very well, such as friends.
Choose the correct verb to go with this sentence:
nous ______ a l'école quand il fait beau.
nous marchons
Find the error:
tu travaille bien avec Melissa.
Tu travailles.
Name 3 verbs that end in "er"
manger, danser, porter, travailler, etc
Conjugate "téléphoner" for the subject "you" (informal)
Tu téléphones
When is the present tense used?
The present tense is used to describe events that are happening in the moment of enunciation.
It can also be used when speaking about permanent truths and/or general truths.
Choose the correct verb for this sentence:
Vous _____ aux questions sur l'examen.
Vous repondez
Find the error:
maxime et noah finit le livre ensemble.
Name 3 verbs that end in "re"
attendre, descendre, perdre, pretendre, rendre, vendre, etc
Conjugate "défendre" for the subject "you" (formal).
Vous défendez
What are all of the different "terminaisons" (endings) for each type of verb? (er, ir, re)
ER: -e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent
IR: -is, -is, -it, -issons, -issez, -issent
RE: -s, -s, nothing, -ons, -ez, -ent
Choose the correct verb to go with this sentence:
Apres l'ecole, je________ la livre a Mme Wilcox.
Je rends.
Find the error:
vous choisisez un bon film pour la nuit.
Vous choisissez
Name 3 provinces in Canada that mostly speak French
quebec, newfoundland, new brunswick, ontario
Conjugate "vieillir" for the subject "they" (masc./fem.)
Ils/elles vieillissent
When conjugating "ir" verbs, what do you need to do for the subjects nous, vous, & ils/elles?
Take off the "ir", add "iss-" and THEN add your endings.
-issons; -issez; -issent.
choose the correct verb to go with this sentence:
j'/je______ la musique au centre commerciale.
Find the error:
Apres l'ecole, elle entends sa petite souer.
Elle entend
name 5 official french countries of the world. cannot include Canada.