Name the direct object pronoun used to replace "them".
Name the singular indirect object pronoun.
If I have 2 pronouns in a present tense sentence (one verb), where is the placement of the pronouns?
ex. I give IT TO HER
they are both one after the other, before the verb
and le la les will come before lui and leur
Je LE LUI donne- i give it to her/him
Je LES LEUR donne- i give them to them
Say "I study French" with a pronoun
(ie i study it)
Je l' étudie.
They sing a song.
(Ils chantent une chanson)
Ils la chantent.
when LE is a pronoun what does it translate to in English (2 possibilities)
same question regarding pronoun, LA
LE= him/it replacing people AND things
LA= her/it
Name the plural indirect object pronoun.
Replace this sentence w/ 2 pronoms:
J'écris LES LETTRES à Margarite ( write them to her)
Je les lui écris
She makes the dinner.
Elle fait la cuisine.
Elle la fait.
I write a letter.
Je l'écris
(J'écris une letter)
In a FRENCH sentence, when you replace a direct object (I see JACK= Jack= D.O) with a pronom ( I see HIM)... , where do you place the D.O pronoun?
before the verb (Je LE vois= i see him/it)
What does the indirect object pronoun replace?
"à" and person/S
Replace this sentence w/ 2 pronoms:
Je donne LES LIVRES à mes oncles
i give them to them
Je les leur donne
Say: "I'm going to study French" with a pronoun
(i am going to study it)
Je vais l' étudier.
I want a car.
(Je veux une voiture)
Je la veux.
Where are direct object pronouns placed in the sentence if the sentence is in the passé composé.
ie J'ai vu le chat--- replace LE chat w/ a pronoun and where does it go in the past tense sentence?
before the auxilary verb and past participle...
In plainer words: before the whole passé composé unit. ie: je L' ai vu
Where is the placement of an indirect object pronoun in a present tense sentence (without negation)?
It comes before the conjugated verb (je LUI parle)
Replace this sentence w/ 2 pronoms:
Je veux envoyer(send) la carte postale à mon amie.
I want to send it to her.
Je veux la lui envoyer
Translate: I am writing it to her
Je le/la lui écris
J'écris- I write, i do write, i am writing
We want the answers.
Nous voulons les réponses.
Nous les voulons
What two questions (in English is fine) does a direct object pronoun answer?
What? or Who(whom)?
Answer this question in the negative: Est-ce que tu donne les livres aux enfants?
(DId you give the books to the children?)
Non, je ne les leur donne pas.
Replace this sentence w/ 2 pronoms:
J'écris ces lettres à toi.
Je te les écris.- i wrote them to you.
Je vais étudier le français.
Je vais l'étudier.
She writes a post card to her mother.
Elle la lui écrit.