what is blue and pen in french
bleu et stylo
Les herbivores sont des organismes qui mangent quoi?
Uniquement de plantes
Boe et Joe walk to the store to get milk
Boe et Joe marche au magasin pour le lait
What is bought by the yard and worn by the foot
a carpet
what has 13 hearts but no other organs
what is red and lunch bin in french
rouge et baissan de diner
qui voyage plus vite : Lumière ou son
Corey is eating soup and is playing on his phone
Corey mange de la soupe et joue sur son téléphone
what has hands but cannot clap
a clock
what goes up but never goes down
your age
translate to english
pantalons et pomme
pants and apple
True or false:
Our sun is the only star in our solar system.
Felix walks to his locker and finds his notebook pen and pencil
Félix marche a son casier et trouve son stylo et son crayon.
Je suis grand quand je suis jeune et petit quand je suis vieux, qui suis-je ?
Une bougie.
what's always found on the ground but never gets dirty
your shadow
translate to english
chaise et porte
chair and door
True or False:
A satellite can only be man-made
A satellite is a moon, rock, or other object that orbits another larger object
Mariah mange une collation et regarde rapidement la pomme. Translate to english
Mariah eats snack and lookes at the apple quickly
what begins with an e and only contains one letter
an envolpe
Quel mois de l'année a 28 jours ?
Tous les mois.
translate to english
sac a dos et chemise
back pack at sweater
What is inertia?
A property of matter that keeps an object at rest or moving in a straight line
Maya and Aaliya looks at the great blue shark poster
Maya et Aliya regardent l'affiche du grand requin bleu
what kind of room has no doors or windows
a mushroom
Qu'est-ce qui est toujours devant soi et qu'on ne peut jamais voir ?
Son futur.