What does DESCENDRE mean in English?
To go down; To descend
How do you say, "I wait for..." in French?
Je + attendre
What does "ARRIVER" mean in English?
To arrive
How do you say, "I eat..." in French?
Je + manger
Je mange
What does FINIR mean in English?
To finish
What is the verb ending for regular -RE verbs for "we" formal.
How do you say "we sell..." in French?
Nous + vendre
Nous vendons
What is the verb ending for regular -ER verbs for Je?
How do you say "We listen..." in French?
Nous + écouter
Nous écoutons
What is the verb ending for IR verbs for "Nous"?
What does ENTENDRE mean in English?
To hear
How do you say, "He hears..." in French?
Il + entendre
Il entend...
What does AIMER mean in English?
To like/love
How do you say, "You live..." in French? (informal)
Tu + habiter
Tu habites
What does CHOISIR mean in English?
To choose
What is the verb ending for regular -RE verbs for elle/il/on?
____ (nothing/blank)
How do you say, "You sell..." (informal) in French?
Tu + vendre
Tu vends...
What is the verb ending for regular -ER verbs for ils/elles?
How do you say "you speak..." in French (formal)?
Vous + parler
Vous parlez
What is the verb ending for IR verbs for "Vous"?
What does ATTENDRE mean in English?
To wait
Translate the following sentence into ENGLISH:
Elles vendent la voiture rouge.
They are selling the red car.
What does MARCHER mean in English?
To walk
Translate the following sentence into French:
I study (étudier) French at school.
J'étudie le français à l'école
What does GRANDIR mean in English?
To grow