Count from 0-10 in French.
zéro, un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix
How do you say the letters j and g in French?
What is j pronounced as g and g pronounced as j?
How do you say hi in French?
What is bonjour?
What is a/an in French? (feminine)
What is une?
What is ils and elles in English? When is each used?
What is they?
Ils used with males and females
Elles with females only
Count 11-15 in French
Onze, douze, treize, quatorze, quinze.
What sound does "ç" make?
How do you ask how somebody is in French?
What is ça va?
How do you say the in french (singular)?
What is le and la?
Explain the difference on when tu and vous are used.
Tu-talking to one person. Informal.
Vous-talking to one person, formal.
Talking to multiple people (you all)
What is 81 in French?
Spell the word "chat".
What is c-h-a-t
How do you ask for somebody's name in French?
What is comment tu t'appelles?
How do you say some in French?
What is des?
What does elle mean?
What is she or it?
Count from 10 to 50 by tens. (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
dix, vingt, trente, quarante, cinquante
How do you ask how something is spelled?
Comment ça s'écrit?
How do you tell somebody your age in French?
What is j'ai _____ ans?
What are the definite articles?
What is le, la, and les?
What would replace "Madame Zhang et moi"
What is nous?
soixante-dix moins vingt?
What is cinquante?
Spell the word "hÔtel" in French. Don't forget the acccent!
How do you say "Who is this?" in French?
What is c'est qui? / qui est-ce?
What are the indefinite articles?
What is un, une, and des?
Translate the following into French: The pencil? It is yellow.
Le crayon? Il est jaune.