Which auxiliary verb do reflexive verbs use in Passe Compose?
Where do you go to buy meat (chicken, steaks, pork chops, lamb, etc)?
La boucherie
What does "le poulet" mean in English?
(in french) where do you go to watch movies?
le cinéma
How do you say, "the post office" in French?
La poste
Fill in the blank to complete the sentence:
Je me _____ brossé les dents ce matin.
(I brushed my teeth this morning.)
Where do you go to buy Cakes, Éclairs, Madeleine cookies, Macaroons, etc?
la pâtisserie
What does "le citron" mean in English?
(in French) where would I go to see the live Shrek musical?
le théâtre
How do you say, "the airport" in French?
Translate to English:
Hier, nous nous sommes habillés avant de faire le lit.
Yesterday, we got dressed before making the bed.
les pains, les croissants, les baguettes, etc.
How do you say, "the vegetables" in French?
les légumes
(In French) Name two different genres of movies
Les comédies / films comiques
Les films d'action
Les films de science-fiction
Les films d'amour / les films de romance
Les films d'horreur
Les films à suspense
How do you say, "The library" in French?
la bibliothèque
Translate to English:
Je me suis maquillée hier matin avant d'aller à l'école.
I did my makeup (put on makeup) yesterday morning before going to school.
What is "l'épicerie" in English?
Grocery store
(only groceries sold here, some MIGHT have household goods. Small grocery store, typically with limited stock)
What is 'un œuf' in English?
an (one) egg
How do you say "the ticket" in French?
le billet
How do you say, "the bookstore" in French?
la librairie
Translate to English:
Je me suis réveillé tard ce matin, alors je n'ai pas fait mes devoirs.
I woke up late this morning, so I didn't do my homework.
Translate the following sentence:
Elle a acheté des fruits, des légumes, du pain, et des oeufs au marché hier.
She bought some fruits, vegetables, bread, and eggs at the market yesterday.
Translate to English?
Je voudrais de la soupe aux champignons avec du pain, s'il vous plaît.
I would like some mushroom soup with some bread, please.
Translate to French:
I would like to buy two tickets, please.
Je voudrais acheter deux billets, s'il vous plaît.
(In French) Where do you go to view exhibits about art, history, heritage, etc. ?
le musée