The Revolution Begins
The French Revolution
The Rise of Napoleon
Reign of Terror

Name the 3 Estates in France, and who was in them

1st Estate 

– The Clergy (The Catholic Church)

2nd Estate 

– The Nobility (Knights, Lords...)

3rd Estate 

– Everyone else (doctors, lawyers, 

merchants, workers, peasants)


Which factor did not contribute to the outbreak of revolution?

A trailblazing peasant calling for change


How did Napoleon begin to become recognized in France?

Napoleon first earned national recognition through his military successes


This man was the leader of the Reign of Terror



This Cause of the French Revolution was shared with the American Revolution

high/unfair taxes


Name both the King, and the Queen during the time of the French Revolution’s beginnings

King – Louis XVI

Queen – Marie Antoinette 


What historical event occurred in France in 1793?

King Louis XVI was beheaded


What historical event happened in France in the year 1799?

Napoleon takes over the French government through a coup de tat, and crowns himself emperor of France for life.


More people were executed in this manner than in any other

the guillotine


This cause of the Revolution was thanks to irresponsible spending by King Louis XVI on things such as wars and his Royal Court



What controversy arose over the voting process at the Estates General convention?

Each estate was allowed only 1 vote, making the larger population of the 3rd estate useless in expressing the opinion of the common people of France


Which estates were represented in the Estates-General, which King Louis XVI summoned in 1789 in an attempt to improve France’s flagging finances?

The clergy, the nobility and the commons


Napoleon suffered the greatest military blunder in history at the hands of this nation



A highlight of the Reign of Terror was the execution of this hated royal woman

Marie Antoinette


Ideas like these 3 from the Enlightenment surely contributed to the idea of revolution

limited government; natural rights; freedom of speech


What was the Storming of the Bastille?

–Answer with the following details

1. What was the Bastille?

2. Why was it stormed?

3. What was the outcome of the event?

1. The Bastille was a prison, it typically was reserved for political prisoners

2. It was stormed because the 3rd Estate feared a punishment from the King, and they wanted weapons.  Failing to gain them peacefully, violence ensued...

3. The Prison guard was defeated, and angry commoners attain weapons, and proceeded to cause havoc and instill fear in the general public of Paris


Who was the last person killed by the guillotine during “The Reign of Terror” ?

Maximilien Robespierre


This group came together after Napoleon's exile and restored this type of government back to Europe...just as it had been before the French Revolution

Congress of Vienna/monarchy


The rolling of this man's head signaled the end of the terrifying times



This Estate walked out of the Estates-General Meeting and formed the National Assembly. What document did they issue and what type of government did they declare France to be?

3rd/ constitution/constitutional monarchy


The 3


Estate, locked out of the Estates 

General by the King, proceed without the other 2 Estates in what became known as _________________________, where they created the new Constitution of France entitled “_______________________”

The 3rd Estate, locked out of the Estates General by the King, proceed without the other 2 Estates in what became known as The Tennis Court Oath, where they created the new Constitution of France entitled “The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen”


What happened on 14 July 1789?

French revolutionaries stormed the Bastille


Part 1: These were the steps taken by Napoleon to restore order to France following his ascension to power. These actions allowed for the French people to trust that he had their best interests at heart. Part 2: These were the steps taken by Napoleon once he had achieved power that showed he was not a true supporter of limited government as he had once declared.

schools, government. finances, laws limit of freedom of speech and freedom of press; restoration of the nobility


Once the blood had stopped flowing, this 5 man group took control of France

The Directory


What was the 'gabelle'?  

A tax placed on salt
