Causes of the French Revolution
French Revolution Events
Important People

Rousseau, John Locke, Voltaire, and others from this famous time period encouraged reason. They promoted freedom of speech and religion and the rights of all people. What was this time period called?

The Age of Enlightenment


Which event comes first a, b, or c?

a) The Great Fear

b) Napoleon overthrows the Directory

c) The National Assembly is created

c) the National assembly is created in June of 1798

The Great Fear is in October of 1798 and Napoleon overthrows the directory in November of 1799


Who is the King of France during the French Revolution?

King Louis XVI (16th)

Which ocean is off the coast of California?

the Pacific Ocean

What event served as a domino effect for the french revolution?

(It showed enlightenment ideas in practice and also bankrupted France)

The American Revolution


Name three different people who died at the guillotine.

Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Charlotte Corday, Danton, Robespierre


Often misquoted as having said "let them eat cake" this monarch was born an Austrian Archduchess. Who is she?

Marie Antoinette


What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?



What was the immediate, short-term cause of the French Revolution?

(Hint: It is in the first part of the movie we watched!)

A severe famine in 1789


What event is being depicted in this political cartoon?

The Reign of Terror


Who becomes emperor of France in 1804?

Napoleon Bonaparte (aka Emperor Napoleon I)


In what city is this famous landmark located?

New York City


What is the Estates General? Why did Louis XVI call it?

The estates general was a meeting of all 3 estates (the clergy, nobility, and everyone else) to vote on and decide the laws in France. Louis called them to ask for money because France was bankrupt.


What event happens as a direct result of the meeting of the Estates General?

Members of the third estate make the Tennis Court Oath and vow to create a new government, called the National Assembly.


Who is this man? What is he known for?

Maximilien de Robespierre is known for leading France through the bloody Reign of terror before being executed himself.


In Greek mythology who are the King and Queen of the gods?

Zeus and Hera


What is the message of this political cartoon?

The first estate (clergy) and the second estate (nobility) are riding on the back of the third estate (the common people). The third estate is clearly suffering, they are blindfolded, chained, and bleeding. The other two estates are benefitting from this suffering.


What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen? Name at least 2 of the rights.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was a document made by the national assembly to guarantee the rights of the people. It includes freedom of speech, equality before the law regardless of class, and the right to free public education.


Who is this man? Who killed him?

That man is called Marat, he was a newspaper author who wrote encouraging violence and bloodshed. He was killed by Charlotte Corday, an ordinary woman who was tired of all the violence.


Finish the Lyrics: Jeremiah was a _______________, was a good friend of mine. - Joy to the World

Jeremiah was a bullfrog, was a good friend of mine. - Joy to the World
