Background and Causes
National Assembly
Legislative Assembly
National Convention
The Directory

What were the 3 estates and who made them up?

First state: clergy

Second estate: nobles

Third estate: everyone else


What was the Tennis Court Oath?

It was a promise that the Third Estate would remain together until France had a constitution. They also formed the National Assembly three days prior


Who were the Jacobins the Girondins?

The Jacobins were a political group that dominated the Legislative Assembly. The Girondins were a group of Jacobins that became the left or liberal side of the war.


What three ideals were French Ideals based on?

Equality, Liberty, and Fraternity


What class were the members of the Directory?

The bourgeoisie


What was the long-term causes of the French Revolution?

The American Revolution because it causes debt and increased ideals of liberty

The Enlightenment supported ideals such as capitalism as well as political theories by Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu


What Enlightenment philosophy was the base of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen?

Classical Liberalism stated that men are born free and equal and that they had natural rights as stated by Locke


What is the Declaration of Pillnitz and what was the motivation behind it?

It was issued by Prussia and Austria and it said they would support the French Monarchy only with unanimous support. The motivation was because Leopold of Austria didn't want to restore france but it ended up being unanimous.


Who were the mountains and the sans-culottes?

The mountains and the Girondins were both left factions of the revolution but the mountains were more radical. The sans-culottes were made up of the working class.


What kind of government was the Directory?

It was a republic that contained a bicameral legislature.


What was the short term cause of the French Revolution?

The meeting of the Estates General caused the revolution when the third estate grew angry that the voting was to be done via estate


What event forced the King and Queen out of France?

The Women's March to Versailles forced the Queen and King to move out when they stormed the palace and slaughtered the guards


What is the Brunswick Manifesto?

Prussia and Austria threatened to destroy Paris if they harmed the royal family.


What was the Thermiforian Reaction?

This is when France quickly became conservative and the Reign of Terror ended.


What ended the influence of the sans-culottes?

The middle class controlled the government and all economic controls were removed.


What did Abbe Sieyes claim the Third Estate was?

He said that the Third Estate was everything and shouldn't be treated like nothing.


What was the refractory clergy and what caused them?

They were the clergymen who refused to swear an oath to the new government after the pope renounced the revolution. 


What was the War of the First Coalition and what was the result of this?

France was defeated by the Austrians and they blamed it on Louis XVI. They were not completely defeated because of the 3 partitions.


What is the Law of Suspects?

These were alleged enemies of the revolution who were executed for treason.


What is the Conspiracy of Equals?

Gracchus Babeuf came up with this which was created to overthrow the Directory and replace it with something similar to communism.


What was the condition of France like during the election?

It took place during the worst depression in 18th century France

What were some economic reforms?

The metric system, Le Chapelier law, abolishment of internal tariffs, Assignats, and the selling of church land to support the assignats.


WHen was the King taken prisioner?

On August 10th, 1792, they stormed the Tuileries and this also marked the "Second Revolution"


What was the Law of Maximum?

It was a planned economy that made it so bread prices were at fixed levels and made it so that there is a maximum price for certain necessities.


What was the effect on women after the Directory was put in place?

Women's workshops were disbanded and the traditional maternal roles were placed
