
The middle class of the third estate



What was the Estates General?

Legislative meeting with representatives from all three estates, usually called by the king

Who are emigres?

People who flee their country for political reasons


Which happened first:

Storming of the Bastille

Reign of Terror



Where was Napoleon born?



Define sans-culottes

Working class men and women who stopped following styles of the old regime and pushed the revolution to become more radical, they usually wore comfortable pants instead of the knee breeches that the upper classes wore.


Explain how nationalism both helped and hurt the French Revolution.

Nationalism made French people support their country, fight for change, and go to war against other countries who were against their revolution.

It also made the people in other countries proud of their own nation and want to fight back against Napoleon and France.


List at least three problems in France that led to the revolution.

high food prices, high taxes, national debt, differences in lifestyles between rich and poor


What happened first, the Battle of Nations or the Battle of Waterloo?

Battle of Nations - Napoleon's first defeat, when he stepped down and was exile to Elba


Name the two islands that Napoleon was exiled to, in order.

1 - Elba

2 - St. Helena


What was the Tennis Court Oath?

When the National Assembly was locked out of their meeting room by the king, they met in the tennis court and promised each other not to leave until changes were made.


Explain how Napoleon moved from being a popular military general to the absolute ruler of France.

1 - Participated in a coup to overthrow the Directory.

2 - Held a vote for citizens to name him first consul.

3 - Held a vote for citizens to name him emperor.

4 - Crowned himself emperor.


List and describe the three estates in pre-revolution France.  Who was part of each estate, and what privileges and responsibilties did they have?

1st - Clergy, 1% of population, 10% of land

2nd - Nobles, 2% of population, 25% of land

3rd - Middle class and peasants, 97% of people 65% of land

First two classes enjoyed life.  Third class paid all of the taxes and worked hard.


What happened during the Reign of Terror?  How long was it?

about 1 year

Thousands of people accused of being against the revolution were beheaded.


List three ways that Napoleon changed the world:

  • Napoleonic Code

  • Invasion of Spain

  • Louisiana Purchase


Explain what the Continental System was, and how it affected different parts of Europe.

It was Napoleon's strategy to defeat Britain economically.  He didn't let any of the countries on the continent of Europe trade with Britain, and blocked the ports from their ships coming in.  

In the end, it didn't really hurt Britain, but it did make things financially difficult for other countries in Europe, and made them upset with Napoleon.  It is one of the reasons the russia decided not to be France's ally.


Explain the difference between Maximilien Robespierre and Marquis de Lafayette

Robospierre was a radical who wanted to get rid of the king and participated in the Reign of Terror

Lafayette was a moderate who supported a constitution and less authority for the king


Who were the Jacobins, and what role did they play in the Revolution?

radical group, wanted to get rid of the king, responsible for the Reign of Terror


Explain what led to the Great Retreat, and how it led to Napoleon's eventual defeat.

Answer should include scorched earth policy, Grand Army, winter, burning of moscow


Explain how Napoleon rose to power in France.  Include at least four steps.

1 - military success and popularity as a general

2 - helped overthrow the Directory in a coup d'etat

3 - became First Consul of a 3-person Consulate

4 - crowned himself Emperor of France

*Supported by popular vote at each step.
